Hunting has been a long-standing tradition for many, but it can be so much more than just a pastime. Hunting can also be an incredibly effective way to fight against hunger in our communities. Through food donation services like ours, hundreds of pounds of venison are generated from harvesting deer each season, prioritizing the well-being and feeding of those in need. Consider that 1 donated deer can provide approximately 160 meals.
Our service donates to both valued landowners and charities, such as Hunters for the Hungry, Tree of Life, Food for Others and county food banks.
The National Shooting Sports Foundation reports that, thanks to hunters like us, an estimated 2.8 million pounds of game meat make its way each year to food pantries and shelters in our communities. By donating meat, we’re helping to ensure that our community has access to healthy meals.
We are pleased to know that we can help those in need by providing safe and nutritious meals through our Food Donation service.
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